
Showing posts from October 5, 2006
Yahoo messenger virus attack It is one of the most powerful Trojan /virus I have ever seen.. If your computer is infected with this virus " It will sends the url to all of your friend list in yahoo messenger using your ID . So with in few hours many of your friends will get infected with it. Just go through the below steps carefully.What are those links ? or other (Do not open this url in your browser). If you are infected with it what is going to happen ? 1: It sets your default IE page to, you can’t even change it back to other page. If you open IE from your comp some malicious code will automatically executed into your computer. 2: It will disables the Task manager / reg edit. So you can’t kill the Trojan process anymore. 3: Files that are gonaa installed by this virus are svhost.exe , svhost32.exe , can find these files in windows/ & temp/ directories. 4: It will sends the secured & protected...
Resolve "Could not access 'CDO.Message' object" error There could be few reasons for this error you can try suggestion sprovided below Workaround 1 The email address does not have a valid TO address. After iterating through the InnerExceptions, you may find this error message actually has to do with relaying. Try sending a test email to an email address that exists on the server specified by SmtpMail.SmtpServer. If you can send an email to that server, then it is a relay issue. Talk to your mail server administrator about letting your code relay through the mail server. Workaround 2 Use a real FROM address that exists on the SmtpMail.SmtpServer. Do not use something like "", or some other bogus address as your MailMessage.FromProperty. More advanced mail servers will catch this, and will deny relaying. Workaround 3 I have no idea why this suggestion works, but I found it on the web. I figured I would mention it, just in case Suggestion 1 did n...